What We Believe

The Bible

We believe the Word of God as found in the sixty-six (66) books from Genesis to Revelation is infallible and inerrant and perfect it is the plenary and verbally inspired. God has divinely preserved His words for English-speaking people in the King James Version. The King James Version is the only translation we use for our English-speaking ministries.

We believe in a Triune God. (Eph. 2:18) One God eternally existent in three persons.

God the Father
Creator of Heaven and earth, perfect in holiness, infinite in wisdom, rich in grace, supreme in love, and measureless in power. We rejoice that He concerns Himself mercifully in the affairs of all mankind, that He hears and answers prayer, and that He saves from sin and death all who come to Him in faith through Jesus Christ.

God the Son, Jesus Christ
God’s only begotten Son, conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, sinless in His life, ever obedient unto the Father, and the only atonement for the sin of this world by His death (through the shedding of His blood) on the cross. We believe that He arose bodily after the third day, ascended into Heaven, and even now is seated at the Father’s right hand, as our High Priest and Only Mediator, making intercession for His own. We look for His personal, visible, bodily, imminent return to the earth according to His promises.

God the Holy Spirit
A person co-equal with the Father and Son in all His attributes. He was sent by the Lord Jesus Christ from God the Father to reprove the world of sin, to regenerate all who receive Christ as personal Saviour, and to indwell, guide, and teach them the things of God. He empowers the believer to live in victory over sin, self, Satan, and the world. He helps our infirmities and intercedes for us according to the will of God the Father.

We believe that man was created in the image of God but because of Adam’s transgression (disobedience) that the whole human race fell. Because of this, all men are totally depraved and without Christ, spiritually dead and lost. All men everywhere are sinners, both by nature and by choice. To die in this condition is to be forever and eternally separated from God.

We believe in a personal devil (Satan) who is presumptuous, proud, powerful, wicked, malignant, subtle, deceitful, religious, and fierce. He was cast out of Heaven and is now prince of the air and this world system. He caused the fall of man, is his constant adversary, and seeks to beguile, tempt, accuse, and devour him. He opposes the work of God, and hinders the Gospel. He has already been judged and someday will be cast into the lake of fire to be tormented day and night, forever and forever.

We believe that eternal salvation is impossible apart from Christ. Salvation is obtained through “repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.”(Acts 20:21) Biblical salvation is offered solely by grace, as a free gift, through the shed blood of God the Son, which He shed for the sins of the whole world (all mankind). Salvation is an eternal work and those who are truly saved can never be lost again, but will be kept (preserved) by the power of God, and not the efforts of man. 

Heaven & Hell
We believe that Heaven and Hell are literal places, prepared of God as the only eternal abodes of mankind. All those who have been saved (born-again) shall live eternally with God in Heaven. All those without Christ (devoid of spiritual life) shall abide in Hell, the lake of fire, forever, eternally separated from God.

Two ordinances have been given to the local church, those being Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. These two ordinances are for believers only and to be administered by the local church.

1. Baptism

We believe that the only Scriptural baptism is by complete immersion in water. The prerequisite to Scriptural baptism is the new birth (Salvation). There is no saving power in baptism but is rather the first step of obedience of every Christian, identifying them with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection.

2. The Lord’s Supper

We believe that the Lord’s Supper should be practiced often as a reminder of the sacrifice of Christ for all mankind. It is also a symbol of the body and blood of Jesus Christ, broken and poured out on the cross for our sins.

We believe in the Genesis account of creation as literal and factual, and therefore that God created all that exists in 6 literal days. God spoke and it was! Our God is big enough to do all that He did without the need of millions or billions of years. 


Let God Arise