Service Times

        Service Times

Black River Baptist Church would love to have you join us each week as we gather together.

Sunday Morning 10:00 AM - Sunday School Hour

Sunday Morning Service 11:00 AM

Sunday Evening Service 6:00 PM

* Exception Every 2nd Sunday - Evening Service @ 2 PM *

Wednesday Night 6:30 PM



Sunday School

   We'd love to have you join our Sunday School hour as Pastor Jordan teaches through this very relevant study. We meet every Sunday Morning at 10 AM


The Education of a Disciple

by Mark Rasmussen

When Jesus chose His first disciples, He didn’t choose ready-made spiritual giants. In fact, if you had known in those early moments that the men Jesus called as His apostles would eventually turn the world upside down with the gospel, you would have been in disbelief. 

When you think of Peter, in particular, you probably think of an outspoken disciple who was spiritually immature, often petty and faithless, and severely lacking in spiritual understanding. And you would be right. 

But over three and a half years of grace-filled investments, Jesus transformed Peter into the bold preacher of the gospel and early church leader that he became. How did Jesus do it? And does He still so completely change the lives of His followers today?

In this thirteen-week study, follow Peter through the pages of the Gospels and discover how Jesus transformed this rough, outspoken fisherman into a faith-filled, passionate disciple of Christ in a hands-on classroom. And join Peter in learning how to become a fully-committed follower of Christ.


     Children's Sunday School meets at 10:00 AM  also

Jr. Church is available for children during the Morning Service at 11:00 AM


